i just thought of something intense...
we have no control over our environment
because the perfect balance of the universe determines our environment
the brain responds to and interacts with the environment
according to how it was constructed during development
according to how it is constructed by genes
the genes provide order
they are behind the physical molding of your brain throughout your entire life
genes project how the brain is built and developed after conception and birth
radial glia help the new neurons migrate as they are generated in the developing brain
and millions and millions of neurons are rapidly formed by complex processes in those first few years....
...bombarded by sensory information, a new world...
.....and genes are the order behind the creation of new neurons
they determine and guide the function of each neuron in the entire nervous system
and all throughout life, as you experience, observe, interact
all the cells in your body, in addition to neurons
are dying and being made completely out of your control
cells are SENSING
blood is PUMPING
neurons are FIRING
the brain is CHANGING
neuronal network is FORMING...
...and this all happens without any intervention from "you"...
...yet you are present, aware, conscious, receiving, experiencing, being
you have no control over all that when you are developing, and you are suddenly reminded that you aren't in control when you die, so why would you have control now?
you have no control
control is a delusion........
genes must be a major part of the collective unconscious then...
and responsible for the evolution of life, of awareness
they carry information for development
like a blueprint
your physical existence is just guided by your genes perfectly to balance your life, that is why death is the balancing opposite of life
part of the perfection
death is the great equalizer
and the awareness is reborn in a new physical body
perfectly balanced to experience a new world
the awareness you achieve in this life evolves through genes
but genes might just be a part of the collective unconscious
maybe all, but i'm not sure
the collective unconscious is awareness
intelligently evolving toward heaven="truth and life"=the present
"truth and life" is the ultimate awareness
complete indirect (truth) and direct (life) awareness
the progression of awareness is passed on through genes
at least in part
we are the pure awareness
evolving to know and become "truth and life"
and here we are, right now, experiencing a perfectly balanced universe
we are the product of a conscious forming of energy to reflect a living thing, which contains a soul, eternally present
the soul=awareness
and it evolves in the collective unconscious
experience is a sacrifice for the greater soul
awareness contained in a physical body
one interconnected physical body
the universe
experiencing the universe
on our way home
we have absolutely no control, we are nothing, and also everything without the mind, because the mind blocks and filters the life that is always present
if mind is not in the way, we become everything real, true life
a mirror of life, a reflection of perfection
in knowing the truth, the perfection of life, the mind can rest
and we are free to receive abundant life, eternal life
it is a perfect universe, and we are not separate from it, except by our own deceiving minds that create separation from god=love=life=present, and when we overcome them with truth, we BECOME it... fully conscious and fulfilled....
truth is the way
the universe just happens... perfectly orderly and balanced, and we are the experiencer, the observer, consciousness, awareness
so there is no need for the mind to be thinking all the time and analyzing everything - we are experiencing perfection, and we are not separate from it - we just need to see the balance, see the perfection, see the truth and evolve past the cycle to the center, the present
and watch the wheels go round, and dance to it
with it
in harmony with it
in absolute love for it
a love that never dies
and we become that love
and we live eternally in grace, until the universe collapses in again, big bang in reverse
be we enjoy the wonderful ride, as the balance takes us back to the "beginning" of it all
but there is no "beginning" - no "end"
only the present
an eternal journey, an endless destination
the infinite universe
experiencing itself
the mind cannot grasp infinity
we can only know it is true and surrender to it
there is no mind, because there is no control
the universe moves in perfect balance
seeing the balance in life is important, because the universe is always moving towards balance, no matter what we do or think
to know the balance
is to know the nature of the universe
is to know the perfection of life
is to be free of the mind
is to be in harmony with all that is, here now
the meaning of life is simply to live
overcome d/evil (the deceiving mind), and live
isn't it wonderful?
even better, it's perfect
and also self-evident
.....embrace oneness