Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Crossroads - Conscious Evolution

The human race and every one of us as an individual is at the crossroads. The cross has long been the symbol of Christianity, but the so-called Christians of the past and at present do not know what the cross really symbolizes. They think that the cross symbolizes Christ overcoming our own sins for us. In actuality, Jesus set an example for us and died for the truth, and the time has come see the truth that he worked to spread and live in it. We must separate the wheat from the chaff...

The fact is that crucifixion was a very common form of torture and execution at the time Jesus Christ lived, and he was executed by the Romans because they saw him as a threat to the ruling power. He was executed in the same way that thousands upon thousands of slaves and criminals were executed. The cross symbolizes something far more important and profound than a savior outside of oneself and other stories that people want to believe in. It symbolizes the painful way that Jesus and many others died. It symbolizes the brutality, violence and torture that has occurred and is occurring in this world. It symbolizes the crossroads that we are at. The cross asks the question...


Imagine being in the skin of and looking through the eyes of a hungry velociraptor in a think forest, locked on to the sound and smell of a potential meal nearby. You chase down a very young, lost and frightened brontosaurus, and jump at his neck, clawing and biting until he collapses. The vicious hunt has resulted in a massive feast to satisfy the hunger that burns within. You tear away at the flesh mercilessly and selfishly, as if this were your last meal. Your senses are stimulated by the savory taste of the meat and the smell of fresh blood as you immerse yourself in the pleasure of eating. Suddenly, you are toppled over forcefully, and the searing teeth of a tyrannosaurus rex rip open your abdomen as you shriek with fear. There was no sense to be alert, no chance to react with your head buried in that gourmet feast. You were caught off guard.

Imagine being in the skin of and looking through the eyes of a wildebeest, running on the hot sands of the Serengeti plains with a large herd of other wildebeests. You remain on guard, but the predator threat is somewhat subdued with the safety in numbers as you migrate to find food and water. Your thirsty group arrives at a flowing river. Finally, this aching thirst will be quenched! Unbeknownst to you, a vicious female lioness sits still in the nearby bushes, careful not to alert the group of her presence. You dip your head down into the water, and feel a rush of sensory refreshment, a moment free of care, unaware that this will be your last drink of water. You sense danger as you feel the scurrying vibrations of the footsteps of your group. As you lift your head out of the water to run away, sharp teeth sink into your neck with the forceful bite of the hungry lioness, and you collapse to the ground in a rush of fear, pain, and surprise as you slowly die in the mouth of your predator.

Imagine being in the skin of and looking through the eyes of a recent ancestor, homo erectus, an intermediate transition species from the great apes to the homo sapien. You are the strongest and most fierce of your tribe. As night falls, the sexual urge rages within you, and you drag a female away from her resting place by the fire, and proceed to have your way with her in the middle of a field under the moonlight. This is common practice, and no one would dare try to compete or quarrel with someone as brutal and ruthless as you. You operate on the pleasure principal while propagating the species at the same time. As you reach orgasm, you close your eyes to your surroundings and immerse yourself in the animal pleasure. When you open them, you are face to face with a sabertooth tiger. Intense pleasure instantly shifts to intense fear as the killer cat pounces on you and tears open your chest, proceeding to eat you and your mate alive. You were immersed in sensory pleasure, blind to the dangers lurking around you.

What did you notice about all these situations? Immersed in pleasure, you let down your guard. At present, mankind is chasing pleasure, eating, drinking, and mating like never before, satisfied and contented our gourmet meals, our beer and wine, our promiscuous and careless sexual behavior, blind to the disasters that await as we forcefully walk the path of destruction, raping the land, chasing the horizon, corrupting our children, killing our perceived enemies and hoarding nuclear weapons. The situation could not be more dangerous, and most people don't even realize it, which makes it even more dangerous. People are too blind to know they are blind.

Not only did we evolve from these animals, we were them. What did you think, you just showed up here at the top of the food chain without having to go through the entire evolutionary cycle? Is that fair? Do you not see the beast within yourself, the primal instincts common to all animal life? Don't lie to yourself.

Evolution is no longer just a theory; it is a proven fact beyond a reasonable doubt. When all the evidence supports evolution, and none refutes it, a rational, honest person has to accept it is true. Not only do we have a lot in common physically with all animal life, now there are no missing links with DNA evidence. You are genetically connected to all animal life on this Earth down to the bacteria at the ocean floor, the bottom of the cycle. Human DNA is approximately 98.4% identical to that of chimpanzees. The instinctual beast is within each and everyone of us, no matter how tamed it is by society. We are animals, not separate from the cycle, and we have clawed our way to the top. We eat, digest food, reproduce, sleep, and feel pain like all conscious animal life, including bacteria.

We lived, died, and even went extinct as every predator and every prey to get to where we are now. We had to. We viciously killed and were eaten alive countless times. You can put yourself in the skin of any of the lifeforms in those scenarios above.

The only thing that makes us different than other animals is a mind that can think and reason. We have evolved a rational mind, which makes us mankind. Other animals have more powerful senses of sight, hearing, smell, feeling and/or taste. Our advantage is our indirect awareness of the environment, a mind that can imagine and think abstractly about the past and future. We are like an island in the sea of animal life, and we can see our position on the edge of the animal realm. If we don't use our minds to evaluate and accept what the evidence says and live accordingly, we are not using what makes us different, and we pass up the ultimate opportunity.

Submitting to delusion and ignorance is a primitive defense mechanism. Almost everyone is falling for belief in believing, belief in faith, and the countless myths and fantasies that separate mankind. People don't realize that no matter what you believe in or have faith in, reality does not change. Belief is the opposite of truth. The best story ever told is not even close to the real story.

Nature doesn't waste anything, and mankind wastes everything. In addition to burning up the limited resources on Earth, we are wasting our opportunity to know the true situation, to know the real story, by submitting to faith in myths instead of seeking truth. We are the only animal that knows for certain that it will die as a result of our indirect awareness of life. This knowledge is a curse and a blessing. A curse, because the subconscious and conscious fear of death keeps people from seeking truth; people try to escape death, and they end up escaping and missing life by hiding behind myths and beliefs. This puts us in a deep sleep, dead to life. A blessing, because this knowledge gives us a chance to overcome fear and death to know true life here and now - it gives us a chance to do the things that transcend death while we are alive.

The history of mankind has not shown much of a fundamental difference in behavior compared to the animals we evolved from. Up until the end of the last world war, our world was very violent. Throughout the history of mankind, there has been torture, war, murder, greed, rape and all sorts of other animal behavior. Most of the time, there had not been police to call. You have been tortured and also the torturer, the king and the peasant, the killer and the victim throughout the history of mankind, just as you were the predator and prey throughout the rest of our evolutionary past. The times we live in now are not much different except that society has tamed the beast within. Thus, we are living in a period of relative peace and prosperity.

All throughout our evolutionary past, we had to kill and compete to survive. For the first time in history, we no longer have to kill and compete to survive. For the first time in history, we can know the true situation, we can see what all the evidence is saying, and we can consciously evolve out of the animal cycle, the realm of the beast, that we all evolved from. This time of relative peace and prosperity gives us a chance to consciously evolve past this violent, instinctual behavior and share the world for the benefit of all. This is no easy task, because our brains have been programmed by about 700 million years of evolution to harbor these powerful primal instincts.

The instinctual mind, the beast within, still runs this world, even though the primal instincts are tamed by society for the most part. The beast within most noticeably shows itself through violence and aggression, such as war, gangs, rape, and other criminal activity. You wouldn't have to go back very far in our evolutionary history to a point where we were all acting violent animals. People think nature is so beautiful, because they are not looking at the nature of nature. It is literally kill or be killed, eat or be eaten, predator and prey. Wild animals have to hunt to eat, and most fail and starve to death or are eaten alive by predators. This is obvious when looking and wild animals, but the beast also occupies mankind and runs our world.

Are you not aware of the horrible realities people are experiencing in some places around the world? Have you been too caught up in the pleasures of this world, drinking your beer, traveling to new places, playing games, driving your luxury car, chasing pleasure, enjoying casual sex? There are people being tortured and killed right now. There are many people starving, unable to muster up the energy to move. There are people slowly dying from infections because they do not have shoes on their feet or adequate medical attention. There are many women and children being trafficked and held in captivity, being sold as sex slaves, and being raped. Are you aware? Do you even care? You had better become aware and start to care, because you can and will end up in the unlucky seat someday if you don't see the balance of the universe. What goes around comes around.

There is really not much, if anything, to feel good about or be content with in this world. When you see the truth, you see that this world is suffering because of our ignorance of the balance. You see what we had to go through to get to this point, our true past. It is better to recognize reality than to act happy and content. The only thing to be content and concerned about is the truth and its potential to transform us and this world.

As a collective society, especially in the United States, we operate on the same pleasure principle as the animals we evolved from, but in a more indirect way. We still chase pleasure and avoid pain, but we have morals and societal values to consider, and legal consequences if we break the law. This has dampened the violent and sexual impulses, but the animal instincts of greed and selfishness are reflected in our society of conspicuous consumption and instant gratification, and the rest of the world suffers and aspires to the illusion of our "fulfilling lifestyle." America is destroying the environment almost single-handedly, and if other countries try to live like we do, the environment will not be able to handle it, and mankind will be destroyed. Nature doesn't waste anything, and mankind wastes everything. We have no choice but to be honest and admit that how we live is not fulfilling and change our way of life before it is too late.

We can and must see the true situation and our true past and consciously evolve past our destructive primal instincts, including fear, greed, sex (for solely pleasure), violence, hate and all other animal aggression and violent behavior. We consciously become more than animals by doing the exact opposite of what the beast within wants us to do. We do it because we can, because we have the opportunity. To be able to know our true past and the present truth is to have the ability to consciously evolve out of the animal evolutionary cycle, to rise above it. For the first time in history, we have that ability; thus we are now at the crossroads. We must become more than just smart animals while we have the chance. We must use the rational mind for its ultimate purpose - to learn and spread the truth to overcome the instinctual beast within. If we do not, we pass up an opportunity that is only available to life at the very top of the animal evolutionary cycle, and nature does not waste anything. Use it or lose it.

"Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves." - Lord Byron

Overcoming the beast within is imperative if the human race is to survive. For the first time in history, we have the weaponry capability to wipe out mankind on a global scale. We must recognize the beast within that runs this world and controls us. This is the only true battle to be fought - the battle between truth and deception. We fight not other people, but invisible hosts of evil. The beast is no longer invisible to us; we can see the true situation. We can see our evolutionary past and that we now have a chance to consciously evolve past our violent and selfish animal instincts. This does not mean that we get rid of our instincts, but they will no longer be in control of us. We have no choice but to consciously evolve in a very short period of time. We must overcome millions of years of evolutionary programming while we are not putting all of our energy into survival. This is our window of opportunity, and it may not last very long...

Imagine what would happen if there was a nationwide power outage, and the power could not be restored.  This is not unrealistic - a natural disaster could do it, a bombing could do it. In a few days, there would be no clean water, food would become scarce, and communication along with society would break down. The basic necessities of survival would not be available, and the beast would be turned loose. Riots would ensue, looting, killing, raping and robbing, possibly even cannibalism. We would return to the laws of the jungle. The social upheaval and the release of primal instincts would make the problem much worse than you can even imagine. Do not think it cannot happen; it has happened on smaller scales in the past. When the basic necessities of survival are not accessible, the beast will sell its soul to eat. The beast lurks beneath the surface, tamed by society, and if society breaks down, the beast shows its true nature. We must overcome the beast within.

Only the truth can overcome the beast within. The question is, will you acknowledge it or ignore it? Like everything else in the universe, evolution is a balanced cycle. You are currently at the end of the cycle, the top, the crossroads. You currently have a chance to take the next and final step in evolution and leave the animal realm forever. This is the ultimate opportunity, period. What will you do? Where will you go? Because it is a cycle, there are only 3 ways to go when you die physically...

1) Come back as a human.
If you do not understand the truth and what it means, the awareness you achieve in this life will be reborn at the level of a human, and you will have another chance until you see the truth and understand what it means.

2) Leave the animal cycle and go to a heaven.
If you understand the truth, acknowledge and spread it, commit completely to the truth and give back to it for it to transform your mind, and seek to know the living truth (life in the present), you have reached the ultimate level of awareness, and you (the awareness) will never be born in a world run by the beast again. You have evolved past the animal realm, and you leave the cycle. You have consciously evolved past the deceptive mind of man and your primal instincts, and they are no longer in control of you. You (the awareness) will be reborn in a world of pure love (a heaven) and will live eternally in the present, sharing life with others who live completely in the present.

Heaven is a place that is not run by the beast. The world we live in is not a heaven, because it is run by the beast. To get there, you must set your intent on the truth and the life and try to find, define and spread the truth. You must try to bring heaven to earth to evolve past this world.

3) Go to the bottom of the cycle.
If you understand the truth and what it means, and you ignore it, fail to acknowledge it and/or try to avoid it by hiding behind myths and beliefs, you make the greatest possible mistake, and you take the greatest fall. You failed to use your rational mind for its ultimate purpose - to overcome deception and the beast within - even know you knew better. If you act like a violent animal after you know the truth and what it means, you cannot evolve further, and you lose everything. You passed up the ultimate opportunity, and you go to the bottom of the evolutionary cycle. It would not be fair any other way. You will have to go through it all again to get to this point again, where you can know and understand the world you live in. Do you want to go through it all again?

You (consciousness/awareness) are immortal, and life is perfectly balanced, so it cannot be any other way.  We can now know the true situation. We can know the truth. It will transform us as individuals for certain and also our world if we acknowledge it and live in it while we have the chance.

You may be saying that none of this can be known for sure, that we can not know for sure that consciously being more than an animal will get us to heaven. However, you can know for sure that it is your only chance. In an infinite universe, it absolutely must be possible for a time and place to exist where there is a world that is not run by the beast, by primal instincts. The only way you can possibly get there is by consciously being more than an animal, by learning and spreading the truth to overcome the beast within. The truth is the way. When you know the truth, you know it for certain, but before that, you just have to go with the odds, because it is the only truth you can know when just starting. Faith may be all you can have in this world if you do not spend enough time with the truth for it to transform you completely. The only faith you need is faith in the value of the truth and faith that there is a time and place where the beast is not in control, a heaven. Do you want to live for this world?

This absolutely does not mean that faith is the goal or that there is a heaven up in the clouds that you will rise to if you simply have faith in faith or believe in a story. You can and must do what you can with this life here and now to try to bring heaven to earth or die trying.

You only have two choices: to act like an animal, or to act like something better. If you want to stay in the animal realm, just act the way everyone else acts, and you will continue to be one in this life for sure, and most likely be one in the next life after you die. If you want to be something different in this life for certain and have the only chance to get to a heaven, do not be an animal this time around. If you are wealthy, you must give away your excess wealth, or you have no chance. You must show your moderation to all men. Don’t live like a violent animal. It is that simple.

Except for what is necessary to live life, do not do what all other animals do if you want to be different from them. Life is always present.

From now on, when you watch the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, the news... put yourself in the skin of the animals you are watching. It will take on a whole new dimension. Try to imagine what they feel - the fear, the pleasure, the pain...

You have been through it all; you were there. Now you are here, and other animals are where they are. You are not better or worse, just at a different point in the animal evolutionary cycle. All animals are the same and live balanced lives; the only difference is that mankind can know the truth and leave the cycle. Will you be an animal, or something more? You have been through it all at least once, and you are currently at the top of the cycle with the opportunity to leave the cycle forever. Which way are you going to go? Those who do not know and remember the true past are doomed to repeat it. You have been the killer, the torturer, the rapist, the victim... you have starved and suffered, feasted and hoarded... you have been eaten alive, tortured, and raped... you have gone back and forth between the extremes for countless lifespans to get to this point. Do you want to go through it again? Do you want to live for this world?

This is your chance to leave the animal realm forever, to center yourself between the extremes.

Envision the image of the cross. One way is horizontal which is a circle, the path that all animals are on, the evolutionary cycle. The the other part of the cross represents the vertical or spiritual way that is not a circle. The goal is to get on the infinite path.

You are now at the meeting place of the two lines, the crossroads. Only by learning and spreading the truth and consciously being more than an animal will you be able to leave the circular path, the realm of the beast, and get on the infinite path to eternal life.

Our ultimate purpose is to know and spread the truth and to consciously evolve out of the animal realm we all evolved from and are in now.

"To forget one's purpose is the commonest form of stupidity."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

You should make it a habit to read this post or watch an episode of shows like Blue Planet or Life everyday so that you do not forget where we came from, what we are part of now, and what we are working to escape out of. If you are not reminded constantly, the collective mind of this world will make you forget, and you will not escape it. It is impossible to escape without constant effort.

Friday, April 9, 2010

A Flow of Thought


  i just thought of something intense...

we have no control over our environment
because the perfect balance of the universe determines our environment

the brain responds to and interacts with the environment
       according to how it was constructed during development
          according to how it is constructed by genes
     the genes provide order
they are behind the physical molding of your brain throughout your entire life

    genes project how the brain is built and developed after conception and birth
 radial glia help the new neurons migrate as they are generated in the developing brain
         and millions and millions of neurons are rapidly formed by complex processes in those first few years....
                 ...bombarded by sensory information, a new world...
   .....and genes are the order behind the creation of new neurons
they determine and guide the function of each neuron in the entire nervous system

and all throughout life, as you experience, observe, interact
all the cells in your body, in addition to neurons
are dying and being made completely out of your control

cells are SENSING
blood is PUMPING
neurons are FIRING
the brain is CHANGING
neuronal network is FORMING...

...and this all happens without any intervention from "you"...
   ...yet you are present, aware, conscious, receiving, experiencing, being

you have no control over all that when you are developing, and you are suddenly reminded that you aren't in control when you die, so why would you have control now?

you have no control

control is a delusion........


  genes must be a major part of the collective unconscious then...
and responsible for the evolution of life, of awareness

they carry information for development
   like a blueprint

  your physical existence is just guided by your genes perfectly to balance your life, that is why death is the balancing opposite of life

  part of the perfection
   death is the great equalizer
     and the awareness is reborn in a new physical body
       perfectly balanced to experience a new world

  the awareness you achieve in this life evolves through genes
  but genes might just be a part of the collective unconscious

maybe all, but i'm not sure

  the collective unconscious is awareness
    intelligently evolving toward heaven="truth and life"=the present

      "truth and life" is the ultimate awareness
          complete indirect (truth) and direct (life) awareness

the progression of awareness is passed on through genes
   at least in part
we are the pure awareness
   evolving to know and become "truth and life"

and here we are, right now, experiencing a perfectly balanced universe

we are the product of a conscious forming of energy to reflect a living thing, which contains a soul, eternally present

the soul=awareness
  and it evolves in the collective unconscious
   experience is a sacrifice for the greater soul

  awareness contained in a physical body
 one interconnected physical body

      the universe
           experiencing the universe

on our way home


we have absolutely no control, we are nothing, and also everything without the mind, because the mind blocks and filters the life that is always present

  if mind is not in the way, we become everything real, true life
       a mirror of life, a reflection of perfection
in knowing the truth, the perfection of life, the mind can rest
      and we are free to receive abundant life, eternal life

it is a perfect universe, and we are not separate from it, except by our own deceiving minds that create separation from god=love=life=present, and when we overcome them with truth, we BECOME it... fully conscious and fulfilled....

truth is the way

the universe just happens... perfectly orderly and balanced, and we are the experiencer, the observer, consciousness, awareness

so there is no need for the mind to be thinking all the time and analyzing everything - we are experiencing perfection, and we are not separate from it - we just need to see the balance, see the perfection, see the truth and evolve past the cycle to the center, the present

 and watch the wheels go round, and dance to it
   with it
     in harmony with it

in absolute love for it

  a love that never dies
  and we become that love

and we live eternally in grace, until the universe collapses in again, big bang in reverse

be we enjoy the wonderful ride, as the balance takes us back to the "beginning" of it all
but there is no "beginning" - no "end"
only the present
an eternal journey, an endless destination


the infinite universe
           experiencing itself

the mind cannot grasp infinity
we can only know it is true and surrender to it
there is no mind, because there is no control
the universe moves in perfect balance

seeing the balance in life is important, because the universe is always moving towards balance, no matter what we do or think

to know the balance
is to know the nature of the universe
is to know the perfection of life
is to be free of the mind
is to be in harmony with all that is, here now

the meaning of life is simply to live
     overcome d/evil (the deceiving mind), and live

isn't it wonderful?
even better, it's perfect
and also self-evident

.....embrace oneness

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday - Resurrection of Jesus Christ

The time has come to stop playing make believe. Jesus Christ did not rise from physical death. The current, and still dogmatic interpretation of the resurrection is incorrect and false, and we can know that for sure. The resurrection story in the Bible is a metaphor for something far more profound than the widely believed fantasy.

Jesus did not rise from physical death - he rose from spiritual death, and we must do the same.

Regardless of whether Jesus actually walked upon this Earth or not, it does not matter. The sayings attributed to him exist, and millions of people believe in the Bible. There is a reason for this - the truth is in the Bible; it has just been misinterpreted and hidden by myths. The time has come to reinterpret the Bible based on the evidence and what we know now that could not be known before this point in history. For the sake of interpretation, let's take for granted that Jesus did walk on this Earth.

The only reference Jesus himself makes in the Bible to the resurrection is this:  "I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen." - Revelation 1:18

The rest of the references and stories were make up by scholars and uninspired people who couldn't help but misinterpret what Jesus said and meant. This includes past leaders and emperors who wanted to promote a dogma, control people politically, and make a very powerful myth that people had no choice but to accept in the distant past, because it was the only explanation. Read about the Romans or take a Western Civilization class, and you will see what I mean about the corruption and brutality.

There has been a lot of violence and corruption intertwined with the misinterpretations, which in turn has perpetuated myths that distort the true message of Jesus. The myths, the false interpretations, have become so popular that they persist to this day, even in light of what we know today and the evidence we can see.  However, these myths have also preserved the truth in the teachings of Jesus and the Bible to the present, and for the first time in history, we can completely separate the truth from the deception. 

We have advanced so much, so rapidly, and we are still falling for myths and living in separation and ignorance. It is time to see the true gospel, the real "good news."

Now is the time that we shall stop sinning, missing the mark:
Life in the Present
“I come that you may have life, and have it more abundantly.”
John 10:10

Jesus spoke those words before he died on the cross. "I was blind, but now I can see." "I asleep, but now I am awake." "I was dead, but now I am alive." Jesus was spiritually dead, blind to life, and he was reborn to eternal life (the present). He spoke the truth so that we also may wake up to life. We are to wake up to life, as Jesus did. Everything Jesus said and did was to get us to wake up to the life that is eternally present.

Mankind is in a state of waking sleep, and we are currently dead to life. People think that eternal life is somewhere in the future, at some distant location up in the sky, but it is always present. We must seek the truth to overcome our deceptive minds and rise from sleep to know life here and now.

People spend so much time worshiping the messenger instead of doing what the message says, and they miss the message all together, caught in a delusion of emotional valence toward a graven image of the messenger. It is not the messenger that matters; it is the message. It is not the prophet that is important, but what passed through the prophet that is important.

Why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? (Luke 6:46)

It is imperative that we ditch the outdated, corrupt, and obviously false misinterpretations and beliefs that plague our minds and separate mankind. We need to reinterpret (not rewrite) religious scripture in light of the historical evidence, present knowledge, and discoveries from science and philosophy. There is much wisdom in religious writing, but it is shrouded by misinterpretation and fear of straying from tradition and blind faith, which is perpetuated by anxiety about the religious notion of "eternal hell," off in the future somewhere. This belief is a gripping trap of the mind, manifested from fear of death, that keeps people from seeking truth and checking things for themselves.

People currently look for the truth backwards when it comes to religion. Religious people take for granted that what is in scripture is true, misinterpret it, and try to find it in the real world. When they cannot, they say you need blind faith that it is true, even in the face of hard evidence and much more feasible, rational explanations. It makes them look foolish and hurts the credibility of religious scripture. We just need to do the opposite and take for granted that what is in reality is true, what the evidence says is true, and then look for it in religious scripture. Does that seem so ridiculous? Instead of putting it off as blasphemy, check it out for yourself, and you will see it is true.

We need to "make the two one," as Jesus said, with science and religion. The evidence is just as "sacred," if not more sacred than the Bible, the Koran, the Sutras... etc. The fact is, too many people are involved in religions to just outright ditch them. We need to separate the truth from the deception in everything, including supposedly "infallible" scriptures (a short history lesson makes this notion seem silly). We are not under Roman rule anymore, and we can think for ourselves. We can see what the evidence is saying and check it for ourselves. We need to separate the "wheat from the chaff," as Jesus said, and we can now do that with what we know and the evidence we can see at present. The Bible was written for now - we can now separate the wheat from the chaff.

Read this book to learn the true message of Jesus and to see the truth in the Bible.

Be honest with yourself. Have you ever seen any miracles happen, anything out of the ordinary? Do you know of anyone coming back alive from physical death? Is there any evidence for the supernatural, or is it just our own minds dreaming? Any evidence for a savior outside of ourselves? Stop trying to play make believe, and lay your burden (deceptive mind) down.

We part of the universe, experiencing the universe, and for the first time in history, we can know how it works and how we fit in.

Everyone wants to believe in the supernatural, the extraordinary, because they cannot see the natural, the ordinary as it is. Reality is not as popular as fantasy, because the mind distorts reality and does not allow people to see how amazing and magical life is as it is. Magic is in every moment of life; you just need to realize the truth to see it. There are no miracles. It is all a miracle.

Life is the ultimate "miracle."
We are to rise/awaken to Life, as Jesus did.

"Happy Easter"

Love, Chuchka
the almighty Easter Bunny himself
the King of Bunnyland