Friday, December 25, 2009

Thoughts at Year's End & the Dawn of a New Decade

True Perspective of Earth

Life is just a dot. A dot in space immeasurable, in time unknown. Some lives span decades, while others last just a few short minutes. Nevertheless, these brief bursts of consciousness make up a whole - an indivisible and reactive framework that runs through everything you are and everywhere you've been, everything you've done and everything you will do. Life is just a dot. A dot that you call your home. In the picture above, amid countless distances of empty space is life, is Earth, is You. Behind that bright, yellow-spectral sunbeam lies all that you've known from birth until today. And on this Christmas day, like so many others, people will open their presents, gaze upon the snow, or the rain, or the sun like they've done so many years before. But behind the stories and memories, past the pictures of smiling children and piles of crumpled wrapping paper that have engraved themselves as truths upon our mind - It hovers - rotating quietly amid the sounds of darkness and silence.

The above photo was taken by Voyager 1 four billion miles away from Earth at the edge of our solar system. And I think the late astronomer Carl Sagan, who gave the photo its title, describes it best:

"Look again at that dot. That's here, that's home, that's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there - on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam."

That is Earth. It is not just another photograph of colors and pixels, it is everything you know. It is where you sprung to life, where you first heard your mother's voice, saw a horizon of sun and soil, where you first tasted a slice of pizza, smelled a cut lawn in the green of August, where you first felt yourself and humanity - what it means to be a breathing, living human being amid countless others. Its water has sustained you everyday of your life, hell, it's given you the very ability to know it, and name it, and want it again and again, season after season, month after month, year after year. That dot is the reason you are here and the aim of all your desires, fears, and cares. It rotates, and with each day displays the sun, and with each night the revelation of a billion more beyond it. And don't fool yourself: there are a lot of them.

The photo above was taken in 1996 by Hubble telescope. It is just a pinprick image of our universe, an incredibly small frame. And yet in it is galaxy after galaxy. And each galaxy - each blob of light - is the combined light of 100 billion stars. Not a couple dozen. Not a few hundred. Not several thousand. Not even millions or one or two billion. Around 100 billion stars. And that is just within ONE of those galaxies in this photo, which is, like I said, just an extremely small photographic frame of the macrocosm of our Universe. There are trillions upon trillions of stars in that photo ALONE. To lay that out, one trillion looks like this: 1,000,000,000,000. That's more stars then there are people on this planet - a lot more.

We are just one planet with one sun amid, quite literally, an uncountable amount of other galaxies, let alone suns, and especially planets. Now take the perspective down to - You. Your brain and your body amid THAT. No, let me reiterate. Not THAT... THIS. You are in It. That photo is not somewhere else, it is HERE, NOW, PRESENT. And It surrounds you in all possible directions. You live It. You breath It. You feed off It. You are It. And for your entire life you've interpreted It with the most unique and finite perspective imaginable. Mankind is an impressive race, but amid THAT it is just another speck of dust in a dustpan about the size of Mount Everest, and in actuality, one a lot bigger than that.

But that isn't a cause for meaninglessness. It is quite the opposite. It is a cause for the most incredibly beautiful uniqueness imaginable. Think of "space." Think of "time." Now think of THAT. And somehow amid It you formed a life and survived. You put dates and times on things, named locations and interpreted the uninterpretable down to the very last inch. You knew people and watched them go, met others and they influenced you, as you influenced them. You have memories and experiences that are completely unique to you and thoughts that are but your own, ones that always will be until your body fades back to that dust to emerge anew. Think of how truly incredible that is. No, DON'T THINK. KNOW how truly incredible that is. EXPERIENCE how truly magnificent that is, as you have every day of your life (most of the time never even realizing it). Your brain - with the help of numerous others - has created a world that seeks to understand THAT. That which you can't THINK or UNDERSTAND or INTERPRET. That, which in reality, you can ONLY KNOW. Even your thoughts are of it, whether you realize it or not - and they have trapped you.

The mind is a necessary thing. You have to have it not only to be conscious, but to learn and survive. All the words you can speak in a second, all the smells you recognize in an instant, all the tastes you long to taste again, all the memories that sit a top your conscious like the moon above the Earth - they are stored within it. Confined in a space about the size of several of fists. Neurons fire constantly and you are again and again introduced to the world you've come to know - a world of many. One that is not your own... at least permanently. This is the problem - people think too much. It's good to gain a knowledge of the world and to mark yourself as an individual, unique in space and time. But when you forget that your mind is just an interpretation, that it is not reality, that is when you lose who you truly are - your true purpose in the Universe - to a temporal ego. Your purpose is not to be famous. It is not to make money and it is not to go to a heaven that didn't exist in the first place. You already are famous, you are a completely distinct individual in a completely specific (though undefinable) "time" and "space." There will never be a You in this "Time" or in this place in "Space." Ever. Again. You are already rich - you have the company of billions, who though different, share the same fundamental goals to live and experience this Earth, unique as it is. You are already in heaven. Heaven is now, it is not some utopian land that your idealistic human mind has created in an attempt to latch on to the nostalgic and impermanent. HEAVEN IS NOW. No one said it wouldn't come without struggle or without pain or loss, but is there anything more sensational (and by SENSATIONAL I mean OF THE SENSES) than being immersed in this reality. Yes, it is hard at times. But just look at that image above. You are in that! Bright as it is. Sparkling as it is. Alive as it is - like the life inside of you and those that too call this Universe home. Life is Heaven. Heaven is Now. Now is Life.

And so on this Christmas forget the prophets your ancestors created, and who you and your parents have helped grow into monstrous forces that are but an image controlling us all. Forget a God or the gods that you've so tightly clung onto as some sort of guidance. Clearly if any gods exist they aren't concerned with our attention - I mean, it looks as though they've stuck us here, with one another, on a DOT in a SPACELESS VOID with absolutely no prior knowledge of why or how we got here. We weren't put here to be judged, we weren't put here to worship anyone. We were put here with one goal: to live and to help one another live more easily and enjoyably. Mankind has come a long way, but in the shadow of what we could become we are still primitive and barbaric. We have the ability to work as ONE, a reflection of the ONE that we are, the ONE earth that we live on, the ONE Universe we are a part of. We are unique as individuals, but we are dependent. We are on a specific planet among countless others, but all those others - including us - are still of this one vast macrocosm. We can no longer act as counteragents. Why do we insist that our God, or our nation, or our race, or our gender, or our class, or our way of life is better than another's? WHY DO WE INSIST?

Insist (v): demand forcefully to have something.

This is the root of all man's problems. He has forgotten how to simply LIVE. He has forgotten how to simply BE. He has forgotten how to accept things simply AS THEY ARE. He demands - forcefully, violently, atrociously - to obtain this, to know that, and for others to follow suit with whatever he believes in his singular mind, and humanity continue to pay for this brutal desire, which is in all of us. We must come to terms with reality. We must accept the unknown, accept humility and each other or we will never survive. Our paranoid minds have created separations that never existed in the first place. People look down on some and up to others. To a passing comet the CEO of a company is no better than the stoned and fading vagrant on the street. Things of this Earth - material things that no one will ever be able to take with them - have somehow convinced us of this separation. Our own material bodies - their color, their shape, where they call home - have too. Our minds - their creeds, their preferences, their dogmas - have also. Why? Why do we continue to feed our minds these lies? Is it because we are afraid? Is it because they provide security? Do we create stereotypes and preconceived notions - ignoring the fundamentally human part of each other - in an attempt to understand that which can never be understood? We must each become that passing comet, a newborn baby, a flying bird overhead. We must look at the world as it is. Minds thrown aside, love and likeness our alibi.

For the first time in history mankind is truly connected. We have the ability to know and discover things that were once unimaginable. We no longer need wars or tribes to survive, we have the ability to see our parallels and know the fundamental truth in each of us. Although many don't see it, this is an incredible era in the history of the human race. We are at a watershed moment in our evolution. This is the first time we can truly understand what it means to share one sun and one planet. We have developing technologies, that although still basic, have the ability to unite us like never before. These technologies can also destroy us. The past century has been a shit storm of violence and separation. Ideologies have run rampant and people have completely lost touch with the reality of it all, substituting it with earthly pursuits and pleasures. You can help fill your church every Sunday, but that doesn't mean a heaven is going to sprout up in the sky. You can fill your house with a multitude of material items, but you'll only last so long to use them. You can fill your mind with erroneous beliefs and unfound "truths," but one day your mind will fade - along with you. You can fill your pockets with money and your guns with bullets, but you'll never protect yourself from that ultimate Truth. There is only one thing to be filled... and that is You... with Life, with Compassion, with Humiliation, with Love... with Truth. The Present is NOW, and no amount of cash, no promises of heaven, no gadgets under the Christmas tree will ever compare to that gift. In reality it is all you have, and all we have is each other.

And so this is Christmas. And like last year, and the year before, and the year before that, mankind continues to numb itself with obsolete stories and temporal gifts. Bright Christmas lights won't substitute the light that seems to be fading in each one of us as we continue to fall deeper into this pseudo-world our minds have created. But the sun keeps shining and the Earth keeps spinning. And whether we hear them or not they speak untold truths: It is not December. It is not Christmas. It is simply another day in our end of the Universe. There is a reason we keep coming back to the same tired traditions, the same old rituals and customs. Because we are lost, because we have forgotten the boundlessness of the Universe, the beauty in ourselves. It is a coping device for unconscious turmoil. Our minds have trapped us in a system that has no true purpose, in annual revelries that are exhausted and have no basis or spirit anymore. Christmas became irrelevant a long time ago and yet some force, some malevolent energy bred from human fear and its tendency towards finding some sort of control, has allowed it to continue.

But Christmas is dead, as is any altruistic meaning that Christ represented. There are pastors preaching opulence, "Christians" dropping bombs, moral elitists saying what is right and what is wrong when they themselves have forgotten what it means to be virtuous or sincere. Christmas has turned into a joke. A playing field of politics and religion, diversion and polarization. There is about as much soul in Christmas today as there is in a bomb that kills 30 schoolchildren in some war-torn country miles and miles away. All while the more fortune at the other end of the globe trade gifts, sing songs, and pretend that in doing this they are righteous, that they are chosen and deserving, and that they are going to heaven. Christmas is hypocrisy. Christmas is materialism. Christmas is holier-than-thou. Christmas is polarization disguised behind pseudo-unity. Unity that, for some odd reason, people only seem to care about for a few days once a year, if at all. Shouldn't we always care if someone is starving on the street? Shouldn't we believe that all people are deserving of good health, even if that means we might have to sacrifice a little more money, and possibly a little health of our own? Shouldn't the cries of a dying child drown out all rhetoric spat by presidents and congressmen? Why is it that we need a justification to be good to one another? Why is it that we need a God to tell us what is right? Why is it that we don't trust the humanity in each of us? What is with our obsession with middlemen? We are determined creatures, as well as good and conscious beings at heart, so why is it we've allowed ourselves to be led so astray, especially in the age of reason and rationality?

Dogma must end - it breeds division. Unbreakable beliefs must end - they breed ignorance. The mind must end - it breeds both division and ignorance. It seeks to understand, to order, to stereotype things that simply aren't that simple or cut and dried. It is a good tool for survival, but it is too powerful when left to its own devices. These opinions, views, convictions, judgements, impressions, notions, faiths, confidences, creeds, principles, ideologies, doctrines, teachings - THEY MUST END. They must cease and be replaced with ultimate, provable truth. We are humans. We are the same. We are on one Earth and thus are ONE. It's a shame nearly 150 years after the American Civil War and the end of slavery that we still can't see this truth on a universal scale. This must be realized or mankind won't only fall to mundanity, it will kill itself due to its own ignorance of ITSELF and the truths which abound throughout our Earth and Universe. They are simple truths, but hard to see in the storms of our minds. Minds that are so busy attaining information, they've forgotten the reality hidden behind it. We must forget the unexplainable and focus on that which we experience everyday.

Which brings me to a subtopic: information. I feel the following, though not as fundamental as say, The Present, is nevertheless true and must be understood if mankind is to gain a true sense of humility regarding himself and life. Information, after all, is the abstract fabric of reality. A truth indiscernible but undeniably present. It is mostly abstract mind-talk, glossary terms, etc., but it is real and of physical matter and represents truths, BIG ones, especially in our era...


"Instead of asking which came first, the chicken or the egg, it suddenly seemed that a chicken was an egg's idea for getting more eggs."
-Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media

Information is our world. Everything we do and everything we are is encoded data. From the pigment of our skin to the images on our computer screens, all we've come to know is compromised of facts and figures, numbers and formulas. Our DNA writes everything we will be, from the curvature of our nose to the pigment of our iris. We communicate through the medium of information and evolve as a species to the rhythm of numbers. Even words are nothing more than the calculation of utterances, man's attempt to turn his creaturely expressions into viable conveyance.

Zero. It is a number that didn't exist in the Western world until the introduction of the Arabic numeral system through Latin translations. Up until then, Romans conveyed the idea of zero through the word nulla, meaning nothing, but numerically started their system at I. Zero as a predominant number is a relatively new phenomenon. Throughout history it has been customary to start counting at one, not zero. Yet in the age of information, the idea of nothing has become one of the most important aspects of man's technical evolution.

Immanuel Kant describes numbers as being beyond phenomenon. How did people see things before the invention of the number? What exactly does a number encapsulate? Kant considered numbers an undoubtable category of experience. Everything can be measured and conveyed in numbers, yet numbers are ultimately an abstraction, a conceptual designation of multiples and singularities, and even the lack thereof.

I've recently been reading the book, Decoding the Universe by Charles Seife. It touches on the idea of information and how everything in life can ultimately be brought back to it. We live in an age in which information has taken a front seat in our evolution. The answer to anything is available to us in seconds. This is the first time in the history of our species that such a feat has been possible. Not even kings of yesterday had such convenience at their disposal. All around us numbers are translating our lives and yet they go entirely unnoticed. "Nature seems to speak in the language of information," says Seife.

All that is known to man can be explained in one famous statement: "one if by land, two if by sea."

That was the code Paul Revere and the Americans used the infamous night Revere declared, "the British are coming," at Old North Church in Boston. The Americans needed a system to announce how the British forces would be descending towards Lexington. Would it be the faster route across the Charles River - "by sea" - or the slower, marched route southwest of Boston - "by land?" At the top of the steeple of Old North Church a sexton would watch for the British. He would report the news to the patriots across the Charles River in Lexington by lighting one lamp for land, and two lamps for sea. It is this logic - a simple yes or no answer communicated in numbers - that can translate all information known to man, and is the system ultimately used in computing.

If a YES can be communicated as 1 and a NO as 0, then a string of 1s and os can communicate everything feasible. 101010111001001110111111 could convey a plethora of information in computer speak, from the denoting of pixel color in a picture to an entire paragraph in an online encyclopedia article. These strings of 1s and 0s make up bits, amounts of information used by millions of people each day.

The most important thing to remember about information is that it is completely physical. Information does not exist in some other realm, it is entirely here in reality. When you erase bits of energy heat is created. This heat is then dispersed in the surrounding environment. As physicist Rolf Landauer writes,

"Information is not a disembodied abstract entity; it is always tied to a physical representation. It is represented by an engraving on a stone tablet, a spin, a charge, a hole in a punched card, a mark on paper, or some other equivalent. This ties the handling of information to all the possibilities and restrictions of our real physical world, its laws of physics and its storehouses of available parts."

This leads to the most important idea in relation to information: entropy. To understand entropy is to understand life and nature in its most unabashed form. Entropy is time. Entropy is information. Entropy is work. Entropy is life. And, most notably, entropy is death. Entropy is proof that science and religion are not two separate entities, but two interchangeable ideas that must work off each other.

The universe is constantly pushing towards a state of total equilibrium. It is a common misconception that total equilibrium is represented at the peak of life. In reality, total equilibrium is reached at death. Entropy is the measurement of the universe's movement towards equilibrium. The universe is constantly striving for equilibrium (death), and chaos (life) is continuously helping it get there.

Entropy is a fairly complicated idea and I'm no science teacher, so I'll do my best to explain it as easily as I can. Perhaps it's best to start with an example:

When you put a soda in the fridge to cool it off you're decreasing the entropy of the area inside the fridge. In other words, you're fighting off equilibrium in the fridge, which would be reached when it is at room temperature. However, when you decrease the entropy in the fridge you increase the entropy of the universe. Why? Because the fridge must do work to keep its inside cold. That work is ultimately done by an engine in the fridge, which creates heat that is then given off, thus leading to an increase in entropy overall in the universe.

This can be applied just as easily to life. When an organism survives by eating and drinking it is ultimately fighting off decay - an increase in entropy - on a personal level, but is subsequently increasing the entropy of the universe in the form of heat, which it gives off. The fighting off of entropy can literally be defined as life. In other words nature is constantly attempting to reach full equilibrium - a state in which total entropy is attained (aka death) - and individuals are constantly trying to survive by prolonging this state of counter-equilibrium. All life ultimately leads to the same place, it's just a matter of how you get there and how long it takes.

This plays directly into Darwin's evolutionary theories and the idea of "the survival of the fittest." Those individuals who exhibit the best traits for fighting off equilibrium are the ones who will ultimately survive. Whether this be physical, mental, or any other characteristic doesn't matter. The DNA of the strongest prevails, while that of the weakest falls to the wind.

"It seems that the act of living can be seen as the act of replicating and preserving information despite Nature's attempts to dissipate and destroy it," says Seife. In a strange sort of reality, only the destruction of the physical ensures the continuance of life, or it is only through living that life can ultimately continue. By fighting off death, we are consequently making ourselves and the human race stronger, as well as ensuring that the information inside and among us continues to expand and proliferate throughout the generations... How does it do this? Through a little acid known as DNA.

"A living organism ... is continuously fighting off decay. It maintains its internal order despite a universe that is always increasing in entropy. By eating food, by consuming energy that ultimately comes from the sun, the organism is able to keep itself far from equilibrium: from death," says Seife. This literally means that the struggle of man is a struggle against the very nature which created him and continues to support him. It's as though life is its own paradox. Seife describes life as a "delicate dance of energy, entropy, and information."

All in all the essential function of living beings is the consumption, processing, preservation, and duplication of information.

The discoveries of science seem to be leading to one ultimate truth, one that could literally shatter man's current view of himself and his place in the universe. We are no longer us, but a product of our information, a carrier for our DNA. As Seife says:

"This information of life is much more than what is responsible for consciousness and the information that is being crunched in our brains. Information is responsible for all life on Earth. The laws of information guide every living creature, down to the lowliest bacteria and to the smallest living particles in the world. Every cell in our bodies is packed with information. We eat so that we can process that information. And our whole being is co-opted to transmit information from generation to generation. We are slaves to the information inside us."

Our genetic code is written upon "long, stringy, double-stranded DNA molecules," and it is through these molecules that our "information" is transfered from one generation to the next. The information on DNA is not written in binary code (001010111110, etc.) but quaternary code, or a code that is made up of four symbols (each symbol made up of one chemical, or base: adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine). Adenine and thymine are complimentary, as are cytosine and guanine. This means they bind together at opposite ends of the DNA double helix. This information literally makes us who we are, and any flaw or incorrect solution is called a mutation. Detrimental mutations are generally worked out of a species overtime through evolution, however beneficial mutations stay and help to make the species stronger as a whole. Think of a dog breeder hoping to create the ultimate breed for a certain purpose, such as protection. In this case the breeder is going to find the dogs which best exhibit such beneficial mutations as strength, bravery, size, and perseverance. Nature has its own "dog breeders" of information. Enzymes, which are proteins in our cells, "continually monitor DNA molecules, looking for mutations and editing them out."

So how does nature ensure the survival of this internal information? Reproduction, or the duplication of it. The goal of all life can be wrapped up in that one word. It is the natural, innate goal of all living creatures. As Seife says:

"Sure, the programs go about this task in very different ways, but the goal is always the same. Reproduction. All else is decoration - decoration that helps the program achieve its ultimate goal. Bodies - and their arms and legs and heads and brains and eyes and fangs and wings and leaves and cilia - are just packaging for the information contained in an organism's genes, packaging that makes it more likely that the information contained in the packaging will get a chance to replicate itself."

And continued:

"It is not the individual that is driving reproduction; it is the information in the individual. The information in an organism has a goal of replicating itself. While the organism's body is a by-product, a tool for attaining that goal, it is just the vehicle for carrying the information around, sheltering it, and helping the information reproduce. That the organism reproduces is just a by-product of the information's duplicating itself."

Thus it is not the individual who is trying to survive, it is the very information inside of him. It is not the individual who ultimately controls his own fate, it is the natural microscopic data that runs through him and makes him who he is. It is this drive, often unnoticed and disguised, that influences many decisions in an organism's life. Each human is literally the byproduct of many millennia of transferred, developing information. Years of evolution has brought us where we are today. The decisions of individuals thousands and thousands of years ago have in some way - if only by association - helped mankind reach the current point in its development. For example, the main purpose of someone millennia ago may have been to warn generations of people after him that it was deadly to eat a certain berry or to instigate a maternal lion. Is there such a thing as true, creaturely independence in life?

There are exceptions to this individual, reproduction-driven aim seen in Nature. Take ants, for example. One organism reproduces in an ant colony, the queen. All others simply exist to serve her ultimate strive for reproduction. Most ants will never reproduce. The information in these ants tells them to give up their own shot at children so that the species overall has a better chance of surviving and reproducing. But this example serves only to reinforce the idea that information is king. Why? Because if the individual is in control, why would ants do this? Why would an individual ant give up its ability to bear young for another? Because its information tells it to. "If the information in the organism is in control and is the entity trying to reproduce, the sterile ant's behavior begins to look rational," says Seife.

So what does this mean for the individual? Clearly there is such a thing as freewill. But where does freewill begin and nature end? Is everything we do somehow related to a strive to carry on information, to excel as a species? Theoretically, yes. From simple goals like getting a glass of water or a plate of food, to larger ones like trying to succeed at a job or be accepted among peers, it's as though everything one does is in hopes of continued survival and ultimate evolution, both individually and as a species. Life seems to be a collective goal, a working together towards some higher form of terrestrial living.

Is it possible that the true purpose of our existence is to further ensure the better existence of humans of the future? It is clear that the efforts of yesterday's man have brought us many conveniences today. From entire languages to, say, the concept of a chair, it was not we who invented all in front of us, but countless others previously. Before we were even here, many of the wheels had already been set in motion. In fact, man's influence on our lives has been so profound, that the question of a God in relation to creation is as much linked to previous men as it is to some higher, omniscient power. Man's influence on our planet seems as significant as "God's."

So what does this better understanding of INFORMATION tell us? Some might look at it in a paranoid way - that our information is out to get us, but I've included it because I think it does quite the opposite. You can't look at DNA or its drives as an other, as a separate entity. You must look at it as the foundation of life, the reason we are here, and the reason we have evolved. It makes us - physically... literally. True, it controls much of what we do and how we go about life, but it is necessary for our evolution. It also helps to create the beauty that is our world. A flower looks the way it does because of events happening on a microscopic level.

Like I said, information though true, is not fundamental. It is a bit too specific to apply to say, everyday life and interpreting life in the Present, but it is still important in gaining a certain sense of self as well as a level of humility - you begin to realize that it is a universal strive towards something better. This is a comforting thought if you really think about it - the information inside us wants to better us for reasons we may never know. This is an incentive to strive towards unity and work towards Oneness throughout the world and, eventually, the cosmos. The very fabric of reality is one of determination and perseverance.

And so on this Christmas, remember life and truth. Remember that there is no need for the customs of yesterday, which have held us back and destroyed so many of our fellow humans. As man enters this new decade, one that will hopefully be more uplifting than the war-ridden last, we move towards progress. Things that we ignored yesterday, such as climate change, should help to push us closer to a One World People, striving to work with nature, not against it. Solar energy - essentially FREE ENERGY - holds the promise of not only a cleaner environment, but a futuristic image of ourselves. One of a unified people - of the cosmos - using their very own sun-star (a symbol of unity in and of itself) towards the aim of advancement and peace. The time is NOW. Humanity simply can't wait any longer. Let's replace the tired images of kings, prophets, gods, and spirits, with Reality. For years we told ourselves that Earth was punishment and that Heaven awaited somewhere else. But it's becoming more and more clear that this is all we have and that it is something much bigger than could ever fit in the dull walls of some clichéd heaven in the clouds. We've made it this far humanity, and there's nowhere to go but NOW.

When talking about the Pale Blue Dot, Sagan goes on to say:

"The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds.

"Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from somewhere else to save us from ourselves.

"The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand.

"It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known."


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Are You Ready?

People tend to avoid the subject of death, just as they avoid the life that is coming to them in the present by chasing the illusions of their minds, playing mind games, hiding in a fantasy dreamworld. When you ask someone if they fear death, if they are ready to die, you could receive one of many responses.

Maybe the response would be "I still have a long time before I will die." The truth is, you do not know how much time you have before you die. Your heart could stop right now. Right now, your body is undergoing countless processes to keep you alive that you are not even consciously aware of. Is it you who keeps your heart beating and your body functioning? No, the heart pumps blood without any help from "you." Is it you who controls your breathing while you are semi-unconscious as you sleep through the night? No, the lungs breathe air until they cannot breathe air anymore, without any intervention of "me."

Maybe the response would be more laid back, such as "Well, you gotta go sometime." You aren't going to die "sometime." You aren't going to die in the future. You die in the present. Death happens in the present, just like everything else you experience.

Maybe you would get a response that is more assertive and defensive, such as "I am not afraid of death." When you get this response, you can be sure that the person is either lying, or that they haven't truly become aware of their impending death, whether they realize it or not. Right now, take a deep breath, and exhale all the air out. Imagine that you will not get another breath. Don't let yourself take one until you truly realize that there will be a place and a time where you will not receive another breath, and it will happen in the present. Again, you have no control over when your last breath will be, no control over when your heart stops beating. Every breath you take is one closer to that last breath.

Then, of course, you will get the religious responses, which usually fall in line with one of the potential responses explained above. The most important moment in your life, the moment of truth, is when you truly realize death is upon you, just as everyone does. Everything that is not true, not real, an illusion, will be stripped away, including your beliefs, your conceptualizations, your stories, and your expectations. "You," or what you think is you, your ego, your identity, will be completely shattered. As "you" die, thoughts cease to be as the neurons stop firing in your brain, and the brain is deprived of oxygen. The mind ceases to function, as the mind is just bioelectric activity in the brain, and there you are; your true self (receiver of life) "face to face," completely aware of the present moment before you go completely unconscious, and it is impossible to be conscious of being unconscious.

No shining, winged angels are going to fly down from the sky and carry you away to the pearly gates. No bearded man wearing a sheet and sandals is going to take your hand. Anything you try to imagine will happen, anything you try to believe, will not happen. Beliefs, faith, hope, and dreams are fantasies, the opposite of reality (true life). The experience of ceasing to breathe and your body shutting down will be beyond your imagination, because it will be real, and it will force you into the present, because you will realize that you are not going to be able to take anything with you, not your possessions, not your beliefs, not your memories. There will be intense confusion and fear as the illusion is stripped away. If you haven't tried to seek the truth of life up to this point, you will realize that nothing else you did in your life really mattered, and you will wish that you had thought of it before. You will die in sheer confusion and surprise without any of your illusory fantasies to hide behind. The mind will no longer in the present with you, blocking out life. Death will be the most real experience you ever have if you spend your whole life lost in fantasy, in an imaginary dreamworld. "You" will cease to exist, but "you" never really existed.

I am using "you" in quotations for a reason, because death is not the end of life; death is the end of "you." However, "you" do not die, because "you," or what you think is you (your ego/mind), never really was alive in the first place. This "reality" that you have created your whole life, which includes your identity, is not real, because nothing the mind creates is real. The mind cannot create anything real; it can only manipulate what is. Again, only the life you receive through your senses in the present is real, true life, reality. You are not your identity. Your true self = mirror of life.

You will die physically, and this identity (your mind) that you hold onto will cease to exist, because it is part of your body, stored memories in your brain. Physical death is real; it is in life and a necessary part of life, and it cannot be avoided. The whole purpose of your body is to be a support system for your senses, which allow you to receive and experience life. Physical death is when your body can no longer support your consciousness (what you are). You cease to breathe, and your brain, and thus your mind, is compromised. The physical body, the support system for your senses, will decompose and be recycled by Nature as the worms eat the flesh or the ashes are spread upon the earth. However, your true self, best described as consciousness, awareness, nothingness, spirit, is not physical, thus what you are (consciousness) does not end at death.


Death does not exist from your perspective, the only perspective that matters to you.

As was said previously, "it is impossible to be conscious of being unconscious." Life is continuous and never-ending from your perspective and experience, because you cannot experience anything other than life. You are conscious of life now, thus you are conscious of life eternally, because now is all that is. You are the blank slate on which life is written on, the infinite field in which the game of life is played on, a receiver of life, nothingness. Everything in the universe is connected by "empty space," nothingness, from the space between the electrons and nuclei of atoms to the space between stars. You (consciousness) are connected with the entire universe, here, there, everywhere.

If you look at the big picture, you can see for yourself the tendency of Nature to repeat itself, to go in cycles as it strives for balance, equilibrium. Look around you. Do you see death anywhere in Nature? All I see is energy changing form, cycles, rebirth. The seasons changing, the weather patterns shifting, the tide crashing in and pulling out,the sun rising and setting, plants photosynthesizing, converting the energy from the sun. Death is an illusion; there is only constant change, constant rebirth. Life is eternal. The only evidence you really have is that you were born into this life. Physical death will come, but you will be reborn. Being born happens, or you would not be here now. Physical death is consciousness ending in one body and beginning in another. Death and birth are one event (rebirth) from your perspective, because you cannot be conscious of being unconscious. You are immortal, because it is impossible for you not to be. (For more on "immortality," see page 2 of The Present at Truth Contest)

Fear of Death:

People are afraid of death, consciously and subconsciously, because they are attached to this illusory conceptualization of ego, of self, of identity. This fear causes people to subconsciously avoid death, and because death is part of life, people are avoiding life, missing the mark. People are dead to life, spiritually dead, because they miss out on life in the present, all that is, by blocking out reality with the mind; with useless knowledge, faith and belief, and religious myths. As Mark Twain said, "The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time." The only way to be ready for death, to overcome death, is to get into life completely, to overcome the illusion of "you" and embrace reality, embrace oneness. You must die to your ego and be reborn to true life before your body can no longer support your consciousness. You give birth to yourself as a new being in your current body. You are reborn to life. You just die to your mind, because it never really was alive in the first place. To live truly, you must die to your ego/mind.

People are currently living as their false, mortal mind-self, and they need to do the exact opposite and live as their immortal, spiritual-self, their true self.

When you live as your true self, as a spiritual being, as a mirror of life, you are constantly reborn, because life in the present is always new. To people living in the mind, nothing is more certain than death. To those living as spiritual beings, nothing is more certain than life.

Just remember, life is not your life; life is life. Life does not belong to you, yet the present is all for you. This body is not your body; it is energy in form. Everything your mind creates is impermanent, including "you" and anything associated with this identity that has formed over the years by interacting with the minds of your family, peers, society, and the collective mind of humanity. All of your memories, conceptualizations, expectations, and labels will be compromised when you physically die, along with the mind itself and everything else it creates, including "you."

Your physical death will likely be very painful, and also livid with fear, because it will be beyond your imagination, literally. You must make pain and fear your friends. Your mind uses pain and fear to control you, to perpetuate the illusions it creates, to block out life. You must change the mind from your enemy to your companion, from deception to truth. You will still fear death in this lifespan, but the fear will not cause you to hide behind the illusions of the mind and escape life; the fear will be used as a cue to be with life here now. However, you will not be surprised when death comes, because by seeking the truth and getting to know life, you will be ready. Death sucks, and you will try to avoid pain and death, but when you cannot, you will not block it out, because it doesn't work anyway. You must have the ability to accept life in its totality without picking and choosing to be ready for death. You must have the ability to be fulfilled independent of what happens in the environment to truly be free, to transcend death.

The key to being prepared for death is to get into life completely, to die to your mind and transcend "yourself," to understand and live in the truth and the life before you die physically. Life gives itself to you unconditionally, and you have to surrender to life to be filled with life, to get to know true life, to be familiar with life in the present. You must be like nothing (your true self) to receive everything (life). If you do see the truth and get to know the life before you die physically, even though experiencing death is beyond your imagination, you will know that whatever happens is life, and you will be at home with it in the present.

If you get into life completely, you transcend fear and death; you become eternal life. You must see the truth and realize your true self. Up until now, most people could not know the truth, could not see their true self (consciousness) in relation to the natural harmony of the universe (balance), could not see true life and how the mind blocks it out.

To let life in, to truly live in the present, to get to know true life, you have to know the truth. Knowledge of the truth physically changes the structure of your brain and thus your environment. Your inner-environment changes as your brain is reprogrammed for the present. Everything starts with the truth, including the transformation of your mind, by which you will begin to live your life as an immortal, spiritual being, your true self.

To know the truth, you must seek, define, and spread the truth. Truth before life. There is no other way.

At the beginning of each day, remind yourself you are going to die. Imagine you are going to die that day, because one day, you will be right. Most people take every breath for granted until that last one, when they realize they will not get another one. To be ready for death/birth, you must live in that last breath, as your breathing only happens in the present. You must spread those moments of presence right before death/birth throughout your whole life.

You are going to die, and death happens in the present.
Are you ready?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Kingdom of God is Present


To come together, we must change our perspective, shift from the perspective of the mind which thrives in separation, to our spiritual-perspective, where we see everyone truly, including oneself, as a receiver of life. Therefore, we must change our minds to embrace Oneness. To change our minds, we must seek, define, and spread the truth. To change the world, we must change our minds. Change starts with us, as our world is just a reflection of us. "We must become the change we want to see in our world." - Gandhi

As you seek, define, and spread the truth, it goes subconscious, so that everything your mind creates becomes a cue to let life in, to be present. As a result of taking control of our minds and spreading the truth, building the truth in the collective unconscious, our collective mind, we give the rest of humanity a better chance to wake up. We must try to save others to save ourselves, but ultimately, we are only responsible for seeing the truth and the life for ourselves. As more people wake up, it will get easier to live without the mind, and it will snowball, but until then, people that see the truth have to spread it to keep the ball rolling. We must become prophets of our generation and spread the truth of life. With our love, we can save the world, save our Earth. If enough people do it, there will be an explosion of spiritual growth, of the truth and the life, and there will be a global awakening of humanity in the blink of an eye.

The Kingdom of God is at hand. "Heaven is inside you and all around you." Only when we see God/Life/Love (all that is) as perfectly balanced and fair will we be able to transform our minds and reprogram them for the present without apprehension about the future and/or dependence on the past. As the mind fades into the background and life gets bigger, we just "back into" that surrendering, child-like state by becoming our senses, receiving and reflecting the life that comes directly to us from all directions in the Present. With the truth, we can change our minds, transform into spiritual beings, receive and reflect life without any mental intrusions, live for today, live life in peace, share all the world, and build a heaven on Earth. Everything starts with the truth, and that is why it is so important to spread it.


We must seek, define, and spread the truth.
If not us, who? If not now, when?
No Other Way

"Better get yourself together darling, join the human race."

We, the human race, are taking the next step in our evolution, and you've got a ticket to ride.

"I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one."

Thursday, August 27, 2009

All is One

Short, sweet, simple, and somewhat silly...
...but certainly serious.

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Spiritual Man - My Vows

While I was on vacation last week, I spent a lot of time sitting on the beach at night looking at the stars. They were so clear out there, so many of them, boundless and limitless space going out forever. Some of those bright lights are whole galaxies, billions of stars. Staring out into infinity, I couldn't help but think about how much fighting and unnecessary suffering we inflict on ourselves on Earth. It seems so silly when you realize that we're all together, floating on this rock in an infinite universe. What the hell are we doing?

The purpose of this is not to put men/minds or anyone down. I am just being honest, and writing what I see from my perspective.

The mind has created the world we live in today, and it will continue to do great things in the future if we do not destroy ourselves. We cannot survive the divisions that separate us. They result in wars and destruction of the environment. We need to find our common ground. We need to get ourselves together and embrace Oneness. Our enemy is not other people; our true adversary is the beast within, our own minds, our false perspective and ignorance. Men have been programmed by evolution to fight and compete. As of now, we no longer have to fight each other to survive. There is only one battle to be fought, and that is the battle between truth and deception. Now is the time to come together and share the world, or else we will go extinct. If we get into another war, there will be mass nuclear suicide, and even if we don't destroy ourselves, Mother Nature will destroy us if we don't come together and start to work in harmony with nature instead of destroying the environment.

As of now, there is absolutely no reason to initiate and glorify war, and countless reasons why war is unnecessary, unwarranted, unacceptable, and destructive. "The means by which we live have outdistanced the ends for which we live. Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men." - Martin Luther King Jr.

The situation that men have created is too dangerous; we have to overcome our animal minds and take the spiritual path.

As of now, almost all men are slaves to the mind. The spiritual man knows that he is not his mind, and he sees clearly that the mind is the problem. The mind is that which distracts us from life in the present; the mind is our true adversary. The spiritual man sees how the mind deceives himself and others, and by noticing this, he begins to get control of his mind. The spiritual man naturally does the right thing, because he knows the truth, and thus he knows right from wrong. The spiritual man is honest and virtuous, and he will never lie to someone who knows the truth, simply because there is no reason to. The spiritual man is a child at heart, and he has the awareness of a child without the ignorance of childhood.

The Spiritual Man = The Real Man

The path of the spiritual man is as follows:

Men have to seek the truth to overcome the mind. A man is what he knows and more importantly does, and the spiritual man knows the truth and spreads the truth. The spiritual man devotes his life to seeking, defining, and spreading the truth and the life, because he knows that it is the most important thing he could possibly be doing. The spiritual man will do everything he can to create a Heaven on Earth, to make this world a better place to live. Spiritual men will lead the way.

The natural drive for men is to make this world a better place for life, for women and children. It is the mind that distracts men from their spiritual state of giving truth and reflecting love. Men have the potential to be something far more than just a hard worker and a great thinker, a "bad boy" and a sex-machine. Men have the potential to be Truth, to shine with life, and to give their wives and children truth and life, the only true security.

In ancient Sanskrit, "man" translates to "mind." Mankind = Mindkind. "Woman" means "womb-man," or mind with a womb. Men and women are different, but equal. Men and women think differently, and we are biologically different in not only our sex organs, but also our brain chemistry. No matter how much you want to fight it, it is reality.

People really need to look at their everyday lives and see how they give life to their minds and deceive others. We have to step up and stop deceiving others, or else we will never be able to share the love in the present. Honesty before love is the only way.

Both men and women are being fooled by the mind, living in the world of the mind, playing the mind games. However, women are the slaves of the slaves. Women are slaves to men, and men are slaves to the mind. Women have to realize they are being fooled. This is so important, because men built this world to please women. Women have to stop going after the aggressive bad boys, the fools, the deceivers; they need to give their love to a man who is truly ready to receive it. Women need to give their love to a man who knows the truth. Women need to wake up to the truth, because they have to power to change men. If women stop giving their love to men who are unable to receive it, men will take the spiritual path, because men need women to give birth to new life. The love of a woman is so powerful, and men will change when they realize that women really want truth and love. Women want to be loved, they must be loved, so they will change when they realize they are being fooled. Women NEED to wake up, because if they don't, men will destroy the world and the human race. The mind needs to be controlled, transformed, and women have the power to force men to change from deceivers and fools to truth seekers and spreaders. Women have the power to give their love to spiritual men, real men, so that other men will be forced to change their ways and stop using the mind for deceptive purposes. Wake up ladies.

Very soon, women will stop giving their love to phonies and "bad boys" who will never truly satisfy their souls. They will not trade the ultimate romance, creating a mini heaven on earth, a family founded on truth and love, for cheap thrills and animal chemistry. When women see the truth, they will only give their love to men who will give them and their families truth and life. Women will blossom spiritually before most men, because they will realize that they have been fooled by the mind. Women dream about love, romance, and creating life, and now they can have it all. All women ever needed was the truth and the life, and when they realize the truth, that is all they will want. Women are ready to be loved, and giving love to a spiritual man will make all of their dreams come true.

All men and women will take the spiritual path when they truly see it. Men must embark on the spiritual path. Men really will have no choice if they want to have a family and a fulfilling love life. You may as well surrender to life now while you still have a choice, because love will always prevail. It's up to you, yeah YOU.

"Love is the answer, and you know that for sure. Love is a flower; you gotta let it, you gotta let it grow." - John Lennon

To men seeking to overcome their minds and make the transition into a spiritual being, I suggest reading these two books: excerpts from "To Man in Truth" and The Present. The works are free and online. The books will help you to really see that your mind is the problem and the true reason for the strong attraction between men and women: True Love.

These are my honest vows. My intent in sharing this is not to attract people, nor to get attention, nor to make people feel shallow. My intent is to show men the way, to show men that they don't have to be under control of the mind anymore. I am showing men that there is no need to deceive, no need to hide your love away. I am trying to explain that true love, the truth and the life, the present, is all that is. All you need is love.

I vow to walk the spiritual path; I can't imagine doing anything else. I vow to devote my life to the truth and the life. I will not get married until I am with someone whom I don't have to play mind games with. I will not have sex until I am married, thus I will not have casual sex, because casual sex is chasing pleasure, and no pleasure is free; it will be balanced by an equal amount of pain. I seek the truth and the life, complete fulfillment, not just animal pleasure. I will wait for a spiritual woman who truly satisfies my soul, not a woman who just feeds my ego and satisfies my sexual desires and fantasies. When two people can just share the present without playing mind games, just being with each other, doing anything, that is true love. Just holding hands, laying on the grass, eating food, being together. Making love all day long, not just during sex, but sex will be a profound way to share the present with each other, to express love. No need for words, no need for constant entertainment, no need for a big house, fancy clothes, excess material possessions, no need for anything more than true love (the present) and the basic necessities of life.

I will love like a child loves life unconditionally. I will be a mirror of life, reflecting the life given to me in the present without any mental intrusions. The woman I am with will be able to see her mind and her true self, her spiritual self. I will set her free, and she will set me free. True freedom is being fulfilled independent of what happens in the environment. We will be truly free together, like babies when they start to crawl. The love we share will be as an ocean moving between the shores of our souls; we will fill each others' up, but not drink from each others' cup.

I will give my wife truth in words; I will not deceive her. I will always tell the truth and be honest. I will be true to myself, and thus her and everyone else, and she will realize that I have no reason to deceive. I will receive the love she gives me and reflect it back - I will be a mirror of life/love. I will not bring negative emotions into the relationship, because they will just perpetuate her emotions and cause conflict. We will create our own "heaven on earth," our own family based on truth and love, and when we bring souls into this world by conceiving children, we will give our children truth and love; we will raise them in truth and love. I will not deceive my children either; I will not tell them that something is true if I do not know beyond a reasonable doubt that it is true. I will show my children the way; I will show them how to live and love and be present by my example. I will give them truth, so they will not be childish and ignorant, but I will show them that they can be child-like forever. I will not fall to the temptation of another woman; there would be no reason to, because all I want is the truth and the life, and I would already be with a women who I could share the present with, share the love with.

I'll always be true.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Yes We Can

This letter was dropped off at my local post office on August 6, 2009, at 4:10 P.M. EST.

Destination: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, The White House

Dear President Obama,

The world is a mixture of pressing issues that don’t seem like they are resolvable by just one solution. Each problem is like a weed overgrowing in the garden of prosperity, and we cut down the weeds by reshaping and rethinking the structures of our society, but the roots are still there, ready to manifest themselves in other forms. We are the intelligent people that created this world we live in today. All the technology, comforts, and organization are the works of our hands, so why is it that we cannot solve the endless chain of suffering that we inflict on each other and the Earth?

The root of the problem is in our minds. People are trying to change the world backwards; we try to fix the external world, forgetting the source from which it is manipulated. Einstein said; “The real problem is in the hearts and minds of men. It is easier to denature plutonium than to denature the evil from the spirit of man.” Human beings do not understand the natural harmony and order of nature and the universe; therefore, they do not understand themselves. Just look at Nature; the Earth is constantly changing in order to keep itself in balance. It moves with the inherent intelligence within all things of the universe. It knows the perfect conditions it needs to sustain life, balance ecosystems, create weather patterns, etc. Most importantly, Nature never wastes anything, because every part of it is integral to its functioning as a whole. Humans fail to function as a whole, because their ego gets in the way and obstructs them from their awareness of the whole. The ego/mind was necessary for survival in past evolution, but now we let it run us blindly into all of the evils of this world: war, prejudice, environmental destruction, excessive wealth, conspicuous consumption and many others. It is America that has been called “the great Satan,” because we have the reputation of having the least regard for the effects of our actions on the whole. The great Satan is really our egos/minds, which convince us that we are somehow better than others, and that our selfish desires are the only thing that matters. The true enemy, the true adversary is the invisible beast within, the ego/mind, and so we show indifference and separate ourselves from the unnecessary suffering of others. “Satan,” the mind, is what obstructs us from seeing the whole or God, from becoming in touch with All That Is. Being in touch with God is true peace and harmony.

Many countries around the world idolize American culture, because we fail to show them the real costs of excessive materialism, the costs of which we have been recently beginning to realize. Instead, we should become role models of honest and balanced living for the rest of the world by making a few changes in the system. First of all, we need to start to seriously prioritize what we invest our money in. Right now, we are wasting billions of dollars on war, when we could use it to fight the battles we could actually succeed in. For example, we should declare “war” for clean energy, especially for solar energy. There is no scarcity of energy; we have a giant nuclear reactor in the sky. Another option is the geothermal energy from the Yellowstone caldera. These projects would also create millions of jobs and help resolve the economic crisis. Living in harmony with nature will actually make us more prosperous. It is also essential for us to be an environmental example to developing countries, because if the billions in India and China started to live as materialistically as Americans, the amount of destruction to the environment would destroy our planet and us along with it.

We also need to create a truly equal society through a government that does not have any personal/ego motivations. The way it is now, our “democracy” helps out those who are already connected to the government by money, power and prestige. We need to redistribute the wealth in this country; there is no other way. We need to level the playing field. We need to cultivate people’s awareness of the whole of society, and how we can help everyone at once through honest work on each of the political issues.

Another issue that needs to be addressed is that of nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons are so dangerous that we could wipe the human race off the face of this Earth within an hour. America has the most, and therefore it needs to step up and disarm its nuclear weapons. We need to show that there is no necessity to live with fear, and the ultimate way to do it is by disarming. When other countries see that the most powerful country on earth is disarming, they will no longer feel they need to be fearful, and they will follow suit. It is the equivalent to the personal surrendering of the ego, which we need to do one by one, but doing it on a grand scale will inspire many people to try. Nuclear weapons are something we hold onto because of mass paranoia. Let’s just ask ourselves; do we want to live in fear or peace?

We are American college students, and we stand for the ideals we have never truly realized: equality, prosperity, happiness and freedom. These can only be realized with the truth. With the truth, you naturally do what is right, because you understand the nature of the universe. It transforms you into a spiritual being, one who no longer lives according to the dictates of the ego. Sir, the driving force behind your campaign was the emotionally charged phrase “Yes We Can.” You knew and you still know that something has to change; all of us know it, at least subconsciously. This is the change that will cut out the root of the problem, so that the weeds do not grow anymore. We have used our minds to change our outer environment to suit our desires and dreams, to create the world we live in today. Now, we have to use our minds to change our inner-environment; we need to use the truth to overcome our own minds. We must replace deception with truth. Change starts with us, as our world is just a reflection of us.

At the end of your inauguration speech, you quoted George Washington when he said; “Let it be told to the future world…that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive…that the city and the country alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet it.” The common danger is our own selves, our own minds, and we have not walked forth to meet it. If we do not, there will be no future generations to thank us for our hardships. We need to take the next step in evolution; it is no one’s responsibility but our own.

Go to and read either The Present or The Present (with religion) to take a step forward in your spiritual evolution. The book shows us how we can create a Heaven on Earth by embracing truth, freedom, justice, prosperity, and God/Life, and by creating win-win situations with our investments.

Your friends and fellow Americans,

Monday, August 3, 2009


"I don't give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way" -Mark Twain

And so you're sitting there
and you're wondering for how long??

HOW LONG? Until I do this or that..

Until I get up,
go to the refrigerator,
eat, HOW LONG??

And it will take you
a second to get up
and a minute to be at the fridge
and maybe a half hour to eat.

And you're all caught up in yourself,
in your thoughts.

And what is this ENERGY?
Well, your science teacher talked about:
-solids (real close particles)
-liquids (spread out somewhat particles)
-gases (farrr apart particles)
... and you sort of took it in ...
sort of comprehended it,
in that you
told yourself in words > pictures > symbols > gibberish

You told yourself,
some things (hard ones) are solid
and some things (watery ones) are liquids
and some things (hard to grasp, but there ones) are gases.

But you never really thought about what it is they were.

You just sort of took them in as WORDS:
and were done with it. Easy enough. Said and done.
And you closed the book. The problem is,
the book never closes. You can't close a book that's always

And in that book is your
that thing that's just sort of
going on around you all the time,
just sort of

You know, it kind of just flows from
one scene
to the next.
Like you go the refrigerator, and then
to the table,
and then back to another room,
and so on.

And during that time you're interacting
with all sorts of things
that you've turned into WORDS,,,
Because you have to turn things into
SYMBOLS to make sense of them.
Because if things didn't make sense
you'd go insane,
at least that's what
and teacher
(aka the sane ones).

Why? Easy,
because they too
were in your position:
kind of like thrown here,
and then, all confused,
started trying to make
sense of it all,
trying to grasp it

But the problem is:
things aren't permanent.

Things are impermanent.
Everything is. Even "you."
Even the Earth and the Sun
and the Solar System are going
to be gone someday.
But they're not going to really
be gone...
They're just going to change,
sort of like you will, sort of like
an apple will when it starts to rot.

You see, there are things HAPPENING.

All around you stuff's HAPPENING.

In your physical reality
and in your mind
things are HAPPENING,
things are CHANGING.

Just look at your hand.
It used to be a lot smaller
when you were younger.
And that's the problem, too.
The fact that
is just a word.
Created by someone just
as confused,
just as thrown into it,
just as human.
A similar someone from a long time ago
that passed that word down
to your
and your
and your teachers.
Who passed it down to you.

They were all trying to make sense of it all,
and so, too, are you. And so those words
really helped a lot,
they gave you some sort of

Some peace of mind.

Because they wanted to forget that
they didn't know,
just like you want to forget that
you don't know.

They wanted to live in those symbols of security.

But when you come down to the nitty-gritty
everything is...

It really is that simple.
Nothing really dies, or is born, or lives...
things just are...

It's your mind that tells you different.
It's your mind that attached
to things...

In reality it's just those forms...
it's those solids, liquids, and gases
except not in the textbook sense...
"solids" aren't really solids
"liquids" aren't really liquids
"gases" aren't really gases...
they're just
forms of changing energy.

Not to sound crazy...
I mean, really,
it is that simple.
This is clear cut.
It's undeniable.
It's all around you
and you're trying to make sense of it
because it frustrates you
that you don't know
completely, because you
have a mind that wants to
know, know, know.

But only through
will you find contentment,
only when you
are satisfied with going up to the mountain and shouting:


will you ever really be...

Because as long as you're holding on to
those symbols
those ideas
those notions
those thoughts that tell you
you are "you"
and you are "here,"
and as long as you put
specifications and all that
jazz on those heres and those yous,
you're not going to see
the full picture,
you're going to be caught up in:

And when you're interpreting things
you're getting it
all wrong.
You're interpretation must come through your being,
your being can't come through your interpretation.

You have to realize that you don't die
you just change.

Death is a word,
death is an absence.
An absence from the vantage point
of people wandering around on Earth
in the vast microcosm of the Universe.

You change,
you don't die.
It's all about change.
As David Bowie says,

"the s~t~r~e~a~m of warm impermanence"

That's what it's all about.
You're in the stream,
a stream that just keeps going...
it never stops...
the water's always changing,
the direction's always changing,
the perspective is always changing...

But it doesn't just stop flowing.
Things don't just come to an end,
they change.

When you get frostbite
it's not like a second goes by
and you suddenly have frostbite.
It takes awhile for that energy
to get all befungled and change around.
And through those changes,
something happens.
Something's... HAPPENING.

And eventually what ever it is that's frostbitten
falls off...
and decays...
and the energy slowly
dribbles away
into the pool of energy,
into the...

And that energy gets a new spot,
a new perspective,
a new vantage point...
it falls into the form of
something else.

So you don't really get old.
It's just that all that energy's
been moving around in that form
for so long that changes begin to happen;
changes in energy...
and eventually all that friction and such
causes that energy to want a new perspective,
to be relieved... to reach universal equilibrium,
float downstream.

If things are always changing,
if things always want to flow,
then they're going to.
That's just how it is.
That's how it works.
You don't know what it is,
but you know it works.

It's working right now.

And if things always change
and want to
then you have to accept it.
You can't live your life trusting
labels and symbols
because they're just...
symbols and labels.
They're not reliable.
You can use them,
but you can't let them use you.

The day you starting thinking
a tree is actually a TREE
you're in trouble.

You have to realize that
the TREE is just
energy in form.
Energy in this great big circus.
That all those words and jibber jabber are unreliable.
You have to...

ALL that you THINK you KNOW
You have to go back to that child-like state,
where things just come at you
and you accept them
as they are.

You can use those words, but...
you still have to surrender
never take them seriously.

See them as a way to communicate,
not a way to make sense of it.

You can't make sense of it.
And when you surrender, you'll realize that.
It's simple.
You have to accept the fact
you've got
60, 70, 80, maybe 90 years at most
and move on
with the stream.

As John Lennon said,

"Yes is the answer" - "Yes is surrender" - "You've got to let it go"

When you let it go,
your mind let's go of you,
and you are free to swim down the stream.
That's what it's all about.
And when you realize you're free,
when you realize you have that ability,
you realize that all the
bad, negative, craziness is all
created by you and like minds...
you realize that amid all that
mind chitter chatter,
the trees still blow and the Earth still spins

Regard: (v) consider or think of (someone or something) in a specific way


You have to realize that every specific state ends...
but the overall thing,
the overall ENERGY,
does not.

The Universe was created by a big burst of ENERGY
that expanded and expanded and expanded and is

And as it expands, it changes shape, and keeps changing and changing
again and again.

And it's eventually all going to fold back up on itself and
start over, etc., etc., etc.

It's why the flowers bloom again...
and why when great grandfather dies,
life continues... a baby is born, and...
life continues... and that baby becomes a grandfather... or an old man...
life continues...

But you don't continue as "you,"
you change form.
You're just energy.
This isn't some
far out bull shit...
it's how things work.
You literally feed energy to yourself to stay in this state...
and when the ENERGY that makes up YOU is all worn out...
it goes
It changes.
Things are CHANGING,
ENERGY is just all over the place...
wanting to be all sorts of things...
wanting to interact...
wanting to move...
wanting to dance with joy...
ENERGY is the epitome of

It can't be created or destroyed.
It just is,
sort of like you just are.

Kind of like when you're really happy
or really living you start to dance around...
When a kid's happy he starts to
jump with joy.
Energy is just sort of dancing around
all over the place.
And you're a part of it,
you are it.

It might seem hard to grasp, because
you've been looking at things
as something other than energy,
but everything is energy
and energy is more than just a word.

When your fingers type you lose energy
so you have to eat/get/take more of it...
you take it from other living things...
or you get it from compounds like coffee...
Compounds that were from things that were once living...
A coffee bean was once alive...
and when you steam it,
you're taking it's stored
and using it
It got it's energy from the sun and then it was picked
and dried,
and then stuck in water - one of the purest things around -
and drunk by you for ENERGY.

Energy is just passed around
from one thing to the next.

We're all sharing energy.

We all want it a lot, and a lot of it. And that's where most of the problems arise -
from wanting energy.

All things are done in the pursuit of life energy.

So if we were to all surrender and take it as it comes,
take that energy when we can get it
and not ask for more,
then we'd be in a lot better shape.
If we just shared the energy wealth a little, people would be a whole lot happier.

They'd also be a lot more content if they stopped
trying to understand ENERGY...
if they stopped making up names for it
and stories about how it got here and instead
floated with the s~t~r~e~a~m like a riverboat.

Stop trying to paddle. Just let the river take you.
Stop trying to move faster down the river
and stop trying to stay in one spot.

Stop resisting and stop wanting. In other words,

It is the only way to happiness.

Embrace the energy,
but give it always.

Love the energy,
but never understand it.

Seek the energy,
but know it is unknowable.

And most importantly,

let it take you