Monday, August 17, 2009

The Spiritual Man - My Vows

While I was on vacation last week, I spent a lot of time sitting on the beach at night looking at the stars. They were so clear out there, so many of them, boundless and limitless space going out forever. Some of those bright lights are whole galaxies, billions of stars. Staring out into infinity, I couldn't help but think about how much fighting and unnecessary suffering we inflict on ourselves on Earth. It seems so silly when you realize that we're all together, floating on this rock in an infinite universe. What the hell are we doing?

The purpose of this is not to put men/minds or anyone down. I am just being honest, and writing what I see from my perspective.

The mind has created the world we live in today, and it will continue to do great things in the future if we do not destroy ourselves. We cannot survive the divisions that separate us. They result in wars and destruction of the environment. We need to find our common ground. We need to get ourselves together and embrace Oneness. Our enemy is not other people; our true adversary is the beast within, our own minds, our false perspective and ignorance. Men have been programmed by evolution to fight and compete. As of now, we no longer have to fight each other to survive. There is only one battle to be fought, and that is the battle between truth and deception. Now is the time to come together and share the world, or else we will go extinct. If we get into another war, there will be mass nuclear suicide, and even if we don't destroy ourselves, Mother Nature will destroy us if we don't come together and start to work in harmony with nature instead of destroying the environment.

As of now, there is absolutely no reason to initiate and glorify war, and countless reasons why war is unnecessary, unwarranted, unacceptable, and destructive. "The means by which we live have outdistanced the ends for which we live. Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men." - Martin Luther King Jr.

The situation that men have created is too dangerous; we have to overcome our animal minds and take the spiritual path.

As of now, almost all men are slaves to the mind. The spiritual man knows that he is not his mind, and he sees clearly that the mind is the problem. The mind is that which distracts us from life in the present; the mind is our true adversary. The spiritual man sees how the mind deceives himself and others, and by noticing this, he begins to get control of his mind. The spiritual man naturally does the right thing, because he knows the truth, and thus he knows right from wrong. The spiritual man is honest and virtuous, and he will never lie to someone who knows the truth, simply because there is no reason to. The spiritual man is a child at heart, and he has the awareness of a child without the ignorance of childhood.

The Spiritual Man = The Real Man

The path of the spiritual man is as follows:

Men have to seek the truth to overcome the mind. A man is what he knows and more importantly does, and the spiritual man knows the truth and spreads the truth. The spiritual man devotes his life to seeking, defining, and spreading the truth and the life, because he knows that it is the most important thing he could possibly be doing. The spiritual man will do everything he can to create a Heaven on Earth, to make this world a better place to live. Spiritual men will lead the way.

The natural drive for men is to make this world a better place for life, for women and children. It is the mind that distracts men from their spiritual state of giving truth and reflecting love. Men have the potential to be something far more than just a hard worker and a great thinker, a "bad boy" and a sex-machine. Men have the potential to be Truth, to shine with life, and to give their wives and children truth and life, the only true security.

In ancient Sanskrit, "man" translates to "mind." Mankind = Mindkind. "Woman" means "womb-man," or mind with a womb. Men and women are different, but equal. Men and women think differently, and we are biologically different in not only our sex organs, but also our brain chemistry. No matter how much you want to fight it, it is reality.

People really need to look at their everyday lives and see how they give life to their minds and deceive others. We have to step up and stop deceiving others, or else we will never be able to share the love in the present. Honesty before love is the only way.

Both men and women are being fooled by the mind, living in the world of the mind, playing the mind games. However, women are the slaves of the slaves. Women are slaves to men, and men are slaves to the mind. Women have to realize they are being fooled. This is so important, because men built this world to please women. Women have to stop going after the aggressive bad boys, the fools, the deceivers; they need to give their love to a man who is truly ready to receive it. Women need to give their love to a man who knows the truth. Women need to wake up to the truth, because they have to power to change men. If women stop giving their love to men who are unable to receive it, men will take the spiritual path, because men need women to give birth to new life. The love of a woman is so powerful, and men will change when they realize that women really want truth and love. Women want to be loved, they must be loved, so they will change when they realize they are being fooled. Women NEED to wake up, because if they don't, men will destroy the world and the human race. The mind needs to be controlled, transformed, and women have the power to force men to change from deceivers and fools to truth seekers and spreaders. Women have the power to give their love to spiritual men, real men, so that other men will be forced to change their ways and stop using the mind for deceptive purposes. Wake up ladies.

Very soon, women will stop giving their love to phonies and "bad boys" who will never truly satisfy their souls. They will not trade the ultimate romance, creating a mini heaven on earth, a family founded on truth and love, for cheap thrills and animal chemistry. When women see the truth, they will only give their love to men who will give them and their families truth and life. Women will blossom spiritually before most men, because they will realize that they have been fooled by the mind. Women dream about love, romance, and creating life, and now they can have it all. All women ever needed was the truth and the life, and when they realize the truth, that is all they will want. Women are ready to be loved, and giving love to a spiritual man will make all of their dreams come true.

All men and women will take the spiritual path when they truly see it. Men must embark on the spiritual path. Men really will have no choice if they want to have a family and a fulfilling love life. You may as well surrender to life now while you still have a choice, because love will always prevail. It's up to you, yeah YOU.

"Love is the answer, and you know that for sure. Love is a flower; you gotta let it, you gotta let it grow." - John Lennon

To men seeking to overcome their minds and make the transition into a spiritual being, I suggest reading these two books: excerpts from "To Man in Truth" and The Present. The works are free and online. The books will help you to really see that your mind is the problem and the true reason for the strong attraction between men and women: True Love.

These are my honest vows. My intent in sharing this is not to attract people, nor to get attention, nor to make people feel shallow. My intent is to show men the way, to show men that they don't have to be under control of the mind anymore. I am showing men that there is no need to deceive, no need to hide your love away. I am trying to explain that true love, the truth and the life, the present, is all that is. All you need is love.

I vow to walk the spiritual path; I can't imagine doing anything else. I vow to devote my life to the truth and the life. I will not get married until I am with someone whom I don't have to play mind games with. I will not have sex until I am married, thus I will not have casual sex, because casual sex is chasing pleasure, and no pleasure is free; it will be balanced by an equal amount of pain. I seek the truth and the life, complete fulfillment, not just animal pleasure. I will wait for a spiritual woman who truly satisfies my soul, not a woman who just feeds my ego and satisfies my sexual desires and fantasies. When two people can just share the present without playing mind games, just being with each other, doing anything, that is true love. Just holding hands, laying on the grass, eating food, being together. Making love all day long, not just during sex, but sex will be a profound way to share the present with each other, to express love. No need for words, no need for constant entertainment, no need for a big house, fancy clothes, excess material possessions, no need for anything more than true love (the present) and the basic necessities of life.

I will love like a child loves life unconditionally. I will be a mirror of life, reflecting the life given to me in the present without any mental intrusions. The woman I am with will be able to see her mind and her true self, her spiritual self. I will set her free, and she will set me free. True freedom is being fulfilled independent of what happens in the environment. We will be truly free together, like babies when they start to crawl. The love we share will be as an ocean moving between the shores of our souls; we will fill each others' up, but not drink from each others' cup.

I will give my wife truth in words; I will not deceive her. I will always tell the truth and be honest. I will be true to myself, and thus her and everyone else, and she will realize that I have no reason to deceive. I will receive the love she gives me and reflect it back - I will be a mirror of life/love. I will not bring negative emotions into the relationship, because they will just perpetuate her emotions and cause conflict. We will create our own "heaven on earth," our own family based on truth and love, and when we bring souls into this world by conceiving children, we will give our children truth and love; we will raise them in truth and love. I will not deceive my children either; I will not tell them that something is true if I do not know beyond a reasonable doubt that it is true. I will show my children the way; I will show them how to live and love and be present by my example. I will give them truth, so they will not be childish and ignorant, but I will show them that they can be child-like forever. I will not fall to the temptation of another woman; there would be no reason to, because all I want is the truth and the life, and I would already be with a women who I could share the present with, share the love with.

I'll always be true.


  1. good stuff, man. honest and to the core. we need a lot more of this in the world. "we will fill each others' up, but not drink from each others' cup." Nice. I like that Martin Luther King quote; very, very true. superficiality reigns supreme today. everyone's out to feed a perceived image of what and how things are supposed to be... an image far away from reality.

  2. Wouldn't it be great if I have a man like you.....

  3. You shouldn't feel the need to settle for anything less than a man who serves the truth. The love and support of women toward men seeking and spreading the truth will transform this world into a place of honesty, love, and unity faster than anything else. The love you radiate intuitively makes you a force of nature.

    You are more than a woman - you are life itself.
    Truth + Life = Heaven on Earth

  4. E pluribus unum, Out of many One. Oneness, mankind is rapidly merging with their infinite state of Being and discovering heaven on Earth. Being the Space for the other is the greatest gift in the transformation. Man and woman, mirror eachother, but connect through their Soul and merge as One, Heaven on earth. A return of the Gods, from within, reaching the higher Self. God is Love.

  5. great article...yes we need more of this... it does clarifies the true spiritual relationship between a man & woman :)

  6. yes, more of this. So yearning for a spiritually-minded/hearted man in my life. I wish there were a in existence...

  7. I have never seen such an honesty and sincerity in a man toward living a truthful life like you Mr. XM. I pray you meet a woman who values you as a real human being. God Bless You!

  8. A woman that doesn't care about a ring... but cares about marriage... it's hard to find women that can subsist on the necessities of life. Men like to eat out of cans, make sandwiches, and live out of boxes, while women have to have nice things and cook. Good luck finding a woman that will share in the basics!
