Thursday, August 6, 2009

Yes We Can

This letter was dropped off at my local post office on August 6, 2009, at 4:10 P.M. EST.

Destination: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, The White House

Dear President Obama,

The world is a mixture of pressing issues that don’t seem like they are resolvable by just one solution. Each problem is like a weed overgrowing in the garden of prosperity, and we cut down the weeds by reshaping and rethinking the structures of our society, but the roots are still there, ready to manifest themselves in other forms. We are the intelligent people that created this world we live in today. All the technology, comforts, and organization are the works of our hands, so why is it that we cannot solve the endless chain of suffering that we inflict on each other and the Earth?

The root of the problem is in our minds. People are trying to change the world backwards; we try to fix the external world, forgetting the source from which it is manipulated. Einstein said; “The real problem is in the hearts and minds of men. It is easier to denature plutonium than to denature the evil from the spirit of man.” Human beings do not understand the natural harmony and order of nature and the universe; therefore, they do not understand themselves. Just look at Nature; the Earth is constantly changing in order to keep itself in balance. It moves with the inherent intelligence within all things of the universe. It knows the perfect conditions it needs to sustain life, balance ecosystems, create weather patterns, etc. Most importantly, Nature never wastes anything, because every part of it is integral to its functioning as a whole. Humans fail to function as a whole, because their ego gets in the way and obstructs them from their awareness of the whole. The ego/mind was necessary for survival in past evolution, but now we let it run us blindly into all of the evils of this world: war, prejudice, environmental destruction, excessive wealth, conspicuous consumption and many others. It is America that has been called “the great Satan,” because we have the reputation of having the least regard for the effects of our actions on the whole. The great Satan is really our egos/minds, which convince us that we are somehow better than others, and that our selfish desires are the only thing that matters. The true enemy, the true adversary is the invisible beast within, the ego/mind, and so we show indifference and separate ourselves from the unnecessary suffering of others. “Satan,” the mind, is what obstructs us from seeing the whole or God, from becoming in touch with All That Is. Being in touch with God is true peace and harmony.

Many countries around the world idolize American culture, because we fail to show them the real costs of excessive materialism, the costs of which we have been recently beginning to realize. Instead, we should become role models of honest and balanced living for the rest of the world by making a few changes in the system. First of all, we need to start to seriously prioritize what we invest our money in. Right now, we are wasting billions of dollars on war, when we could use it to fight the battles we could actually succeed in. For example, we should declare “war” for clean energy, especially for solar energy. There is no scarcity of energy; we have a giant nuclear reactor in the sky. Another option is the geothermal energy from the Yellowstone caldera. These projects would also create millions of jobs and help resolve the economic crisis. Living in harmony with nature will actually make us more prosperous. It is also essential for us to be an environmental example to developing countries, because if the billions in India and China started to live as materialistically as Americans, the amount of destruction to the environment would destroy our planet and us along with it.

We also need to create a truly equal society through a government that does not have any personal/ego motivations. The way it is now, our “democracy” helps out those who are already connected to the government by money, power and prestige. We need to redistribute the wealth in this country; there is no other way. We need to level the playing field. We need to cultivate people’s awareness of the whole of society, and how we can help everyone at once through honest work on each of the political issues.

Another issue that needs to be addressed is that of nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons are so dangerous that we could wipe the human race off the face of this Earth within an hour. America has the most, and therefore it needs to step up and disarm its nuclear weapons. We need to show that there is no necessity to live with fear, and the ultimate way to do it is by disarming. When other countries see that the most powerful country on earth is disarming, they will no longer feel they need to be fearful, and they will follow suit. It is the equivalent to the personal surrendering of the ego, which we need to do one by one, but doing it on a grand scale will inspire many people to try. Nuclear weapons are something we hold onto because of mass paranoia. Let’s just ask ourselves; do we want to live in fear or peace?

We are American college students, and we stand for the ideals we have never truly realized: equality, prosperity, happiness and freedom. These can only be realized with the truth. With the truth, you naturally do what is right, because you understand the nature of the universe. It transforms you into a spiritual being, one who no longer lives according to the dictates of the ego. Sir, the driving force behind your campaign was the emotionally charged phrase “Yes We Can.” You knew and you still know that something has to change; all of us know it, at least subconsciously. This is the change that will cut out the root of the problem, so that the weeds do not grow anymore. We have used our minds to change our outer environment to suit our desires and dreams, to create the world we live in today. Now, we have to use our minds to change our inner-environment; we need to use the truth to overcome our own minds. We must replace deception with truth. Change starts with us, as our world is just a reflection of us.

At the end of your inauguration speech, you quoted George Washington when he said; “Let it be told to the future world…that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive…that the city and the country alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet it.” The common danger is our own selves, our own minds, and we have not walked forth to meet it. If we do not, there will be no future generations to thank us for our hardships. We need to take the next step in evolution; it is no one’s responsibility but our own.

Go to and read either The Present or The Present (with religion) to take a step forward in your spiritual evolution. The book shows us how we can create a Heaven on Earth by embracing truth, freedom, justice, prosperity, and God/Life, and by creating win-win situations with our investments.

Your friends and fellow Americans,

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